Starship Mario

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Starship Mario is the Mario-head-shaped spaceship that is used to travel across the worldmaps in Super Mario Galaxy 2.

The galaxy's stage files are located in StageData/MarioFaceShipGalaxy. The Galaxy also contains a zone that contains mainly all the Starship objects, called MarioFaceShipZone.


The galaxy uses 4 scenarios for different scenes:

Scenario Name Meaning Time of entry
変化前 Lubba introduction and Ship tranformation scene After collecting Star 1 in IslandFleetGalaxy*, When loading a save file with 1 star.
変化後 Normal state (After transformation) Usually state. When more than 1 stars are collected.
クッパ最終戦突入デモ Bowser's Galaxy Generator encounter scene When being one point away from VsKoopa3Galaxy on the world map.
グランドスター帰還デモ Grand Star return scene After completing a Grand Star mission defined in GalaxyDataTable.

*This only works if Mario has received his spin ability. If it has not yet been obtained, the game crashes. If the crash messages in Dolphin Emulator are ignored, it reveals that Scenario 2 is loaded instead of Scenario 1 and the Star Counter is incorrect ("-1 Star").


Nintendo has neatly divided all their objects into layers. Each layer contains objects of a certain scenery or function in the original level. Interestingly, there are also many layers that are loaded for certain scenarios, but are completely empty.

The following list shows all the layers and their type of objects used for them, from the original game:

Scenario MarioFaceShipGalaxy MarioFaceShipZone

Layer Objects Layer Objects
1 A Starbits and Spawnpoints A Objects for the introduction and transformation scene (including Demo objects)
O Empty E Objects for Power-Up room
O Empty
2 B Empty B MarioFaceShipEventDataTable relevant objects such as appearing NPC's
P Spawnpoints E Objects for the Power-Up room
F Starship Mario Object
L Objects for the unlockable Casino room
P System relevant objects such as DebugMoves, Starship panel and Luigi Room
3 C Empty C Objects for the Bowser's Galaxy Generator encounter scene
P Empty L
4 D Empty D Objects for the Grand Star Return scene
P Empty F


For each event where the player arrives at the spaceship (from the title screen, world map, etc.), the game looks for a cutscene object that controls camera movements and the objects to be used for the scene.
For certain events, the game waits until the cutscene is finished and then completes game-relevant tasks (eg. Saving). If the cutscene is not present, it can happen that the game waits forever for the completion of the non-existent cutscene and thus softlocks itself. Some missing cutscenes can also crash the game (e.g. the cutscene where the player returns to the ship from the world map).

In a few cases, the cutscene requires a specific object, that assist the cutscene with more specific events. Sometimes the game loads another cutscene when another cutscene has been completed. Usually the cutscene objects themselves have no switches.

The following list shows all cutscenes and the time at which these cutscenes were read by the game. For better clarity, the sheet names of the cutscenes are also shown here, which are only used by the cutscene objects themselves to load their settings from Demo.arc.

Cutscene Names

Layer When it occurs Cutscene name to load Original Sheet Name of the cutscene Notes
A After collecting star 1 from IslandFleetGalaxy パワースター帰還[初回] PowerStarReturnFirst
A After loading a Save File with only 1 star スター1個目直後のゲームスタート StartFromJustGetFirstStar
A After the upper cutscene has played (?) マリオ顔惑星変化 MarioFaceMetamorphose Lubba talk scene with subsequent transformation of the ship.
For some reason, this cutscene object has an SW_APPEAR switch of 20, which seems to be activated through TransformFaceTicoBabyDemoObj that doesn't use any switches however. MSBF related?
A When activating MarioFacePlanetTakeOffDemoObj (via SW_APPEAR).
It also needs to have the Cutscene Group ID for this cutscene.
マリオ顔惑星発進デモ MarioFacePlanetTakeOff First Starship Mario Flight. Game warps the player to current world and point. By default, it loads World 1 point 0.
SW_A switch of the Starship Panel activates this scene in the original game.
B After loading a Save File (with more than 1 star) ファイルセレクトからの開始 StartFromFileSelect Game waits for the cutscene to be completed.
B After coming back from Worldmap ワールドマップからの開始 StartFromWorldMap Cutscene works in combination with Star Panel (ID 245) and the cutscene's GeneralPos (?)
B After completing a mission パワースター帰還 PowerStarReturn Game gives a save prompt after cutscene is completed.
B After completing a mission with an fulfilled NPC criteria in MarioFaceShipEventDataTable パワースター帰還[NPC紹介] PowerStarReturnNPC Game gives a save prompt after cutscene is completed.
B After completing a mission with an fulfilled Item criteria (?) パワースター帰還[アイテム惑星] PowerStarReturnItem Game gives a save prompt after cutscene is completed.
B After getting a Game Over ゲームオーバー後のデモ AfterGameOver
B After completing a level with Luigi (before he is permanently unlocked). でしゃばりルイージ終了 LuigiReturn Talking sequence between Luigi and Mario.
B After a Gourmet Luma is brought on board from the world map ハラペコスターピースチコ紹介 TicoFatIntroduce
B After going into the Character Changing Room チェンジルームからスタート StartChangeRoom Scene, where the player jumps out of the Character Change Room.
B After unlocking Toad postman. 郵便屋さんイベント[タスク] PostmanTaskEvent Scene, where Lubba talks about the new appeared Toad Postman.
B ??? 郵便屋さんイベント[ロゼッタ] PostmanRosettaEvent Shows the cutscene with Master Luma where he gets a letter from Rosalina from Postman Toad.
B After completing a task defined in MarioFaceShipEventDataTable 顔惑星注目会話イベント100 MarioFaceShipNoticeEvent100 Scene used several times for Lubba's speech sequence about the newly appeared NPCs and objects.
B After unlocking Luigi for helping out (?) 顔惑星注目会話イベント301 MarioFaceShipNoticeEvent301 This is the first talking sequence between Luigi and Mario, where Luigi says that he waits on several galaxies to help out.
B After re-completing an already completed Grand Star Mission defined in GalaxyDataTable. グランドスター帰還[2回目以降] GrandStarReturn2nd Game gives a save prompt after cutscene is completed.
B Only once after loading a Save File where the credits where played for the first time. ノーマルエンディング後デモ AfterNormalEnding Talk sequence with Lubba where he says that you are back after the princess was saved.
B Only once after loading a Save File where the green stars were unlocked
via collecting 120 stars and playing the credits a second time.
スター120個エンディング後デモ AfterStar120Ending Talk sequence with Lubba where he says that green stars have now appeared.
C When being one point away from VsKoopa3Galaxy on the world map クッパ最終戦突入 KoopaCastle
D Scene loaded after one of the AfterGrandStarReturnWorldX scenes have been completed. グランドスター後発進デモ AfterGrandStarTakeOffDemo Flying sequence to the next world.
After cutscene is completed, the game will send the player to the next worldmap.
D Loaded after GrandStarReturn only if the completed galaxy is named "VsKoopaJrLv1Galaxy" グランドスター帰還後(ワールド1) AfterGrandStarReturnWorld1 Speech sequence with Lubba before heading to the next world.
D Loaded after GrandStarReturnShort only if the completed galaxy is named "VsKoopaLv1Galaxy" グランドスター帰還後(ワールド2) AfterGrandStarReturnWorld2 Speech sequence with Lubba before heading to the next world.
D Loaded after GrandStarReturnShort only if the completed galaxy is named "KoopaJrLv2Galaxy" グランドスター帰還後(ワールド3) AfterGrandStarReturnWorld3 Speech sequence with Lubba before heading to the next world.
D Loaded after GrandStarReturnShort only if the completed galaxy is named "VsKoopaGravityGalaxy" グランドスター帰還後(ワールド4) AfterGrandStarReturnWorld4 Speech sequence with Lubba before heading to the next world.
D Loaded after GrandStarReturnShort only if the completed galaxy is named "VsKoopaJrLv3Galaxy" グランドスター帰還後(ワールド5) AfterGrandStarReturnWorld5 Speech sequence with Lubba before heading to the next world.
D After completing a Grand Star mission defined in GalaxyDataTable at World 2. グランドスター帰還[ワールド2以降] GrandStarReturnShort Variant of the below cutscene, but with shorter flying sequence.
D After completing a Grand Star mission defined in GalaxyDataTable for the first time. グランドスター帰還 GrandStarReturn Short flying cutscene with the Grand Star which transforms into a world gate.
In a specific Part of the cutscene, the star counter is shown. (more investigation: at which frame or PartsName of the cutscene?)
E When going into the Item Room door. アイテム部屋への入室 IntoItemRoom
E When leaving the Item Room. アイテム部屋からの退室 FromItemRoom