AreaObj Limitations
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In both Super Mario Galaxy games there is an internal table that sets up the AreaObj managers. For every manager, there is a limit of AreaObj instances that can be placed in a level. If the game exceeds this limit, the game will very likely crash.
Below are tables for every game that list the managers with their respective limits.
Manager Name | Limit |
SwitchArea | 64 |
RaceJudgeCube | 64 |
NinForceWindCube | 64 |
NinAbyssCube | 64 |
CubeCamera | 160 |
BindEndCube | 64 |
EffectCylinder | 64 |
DeathArea | 64 |
WarpCube | 64 |
TripodBossStepStart | 64 |
Water | 64 |
PlaneModeCube | 16 |
PlaneCircularModeCube | 16 |
PipeModeCube | 4 |
TowerModeCylinder | 4 |
ShadeCube | 64 |
PullBackCube | 64 |
PullBackCylinder | 64 |
RestartCube | 64 |
ChangeBgmCube | 32 |
BgmProhibitArea | 4 |
SoundEmitterCube | 16 |
SoundEmitterSphere | 8 |
PlaneCollisionCube | 16 |
ForbidTriangleJumpCube | 16 |
ForbidWaterSearchCube | 16 |
QuakeEffectArea | 16 |
HazeCube | 16 |
AudioEffectArea | 16 |
BigBubbleGoalArea | 16 |
SunLightArea | 16 |
GlaringLightArea | 64 |
ViewGroupCtrlCube | 64 |
LensFlareArea | 64 |
CameraRepulsiveArea | 128 |
LightArea | 128 |
FallsCube | 32 |
MercatorCube | 1 |
AstroChangeStageCube | 16 |
ImageEffectArea | 32 |
BlueStarGuidanceCube | 16 |
TicoSeedGuidanceCube | 16 |
MessageArea | 16 |
SmokeEffectColorArea | 16 |
BeeWallShortDistArea | 16 |
ExtraWallCheckArea | 16 |
ExtraWallCheckCylinder | 16 |
SpinGuidanceCube | 16 |
HipDropGuidanceCube | 16 |
TamakoroMoveGuidanceCube | 16 |
TamakoroJumpGuidanceCube | 16 |
BigBubbleGuidanceCube | 16 |
HeavySteeringCube | 16 |
NonSleepCube | 16 |
AreaMoveSphere | 16 |
DodoryuClosedCylinder | 8 |
DashChargeCylinder | 8 |
PlayerSeArea | 8 |
RasterScrollCube | 8 |
OnimasuCube | 32 |
ForbidJumpCube | 8 |
CollisionArea | 64 |
AstroOverlookArea | 8 |
CelestrialSphere | 4 |
MirrorArea | 16 |
DarkMatterCube | 64 |
DarkMatterCylinder | 32 |
Manager Name | Limit |
AreaMoveSphere | 16 |
AudioEffectArea | 16 |
BeeWallShortDistArea | 16 |
BgmChangeArea | 16 |
BgmVolumeFadeArea | 4 |
BindEnd | 64 |
BlueStarGuidance | 16 |
CameraRepulsiveArea | 128 |
CancelBeeMorphArea | 16 |
Celestrial | 4 |
ClipDrawArea | 64 |
CollisionArea | 64 |
CometFireDanceArea | 4 |
CometHopperArea | 4 |
CometNoSpinArea | 4 |
CometRainbowArea | 4 |
CubeCamera | 160 |
CumulativeTimerSwitchArea | 4 |
DarkMatterArea | 128 |
DashChargeArea | 8 |
DeathArea | 64 |
DemoPlayerForbidUpdateArea | 4 |
DodoryuClosedArea | 8 |
DreamerDeadCountArea | 1 |
DrillHoleHiddenArea | 16 |
Effect | 40 |
EnforceJumpArea | 4 |
ExtraWallCheckArea | 16 |
ExtraWallCheckCylinder | 16 |
Falls | 32 |
ForbidJump | 8 |
ForbidSupportTicoArea | 32 |
ForbidTriangleJump | 16 |
ForbidWaterSearch | 16 |
ForceDashCube | 16 |
GlaringLightArea | 64 |
HazeCube | 16 |
HeavySteering | 16 |
HipDropGuidance | 16 |
ImageEffectArea | 32 |
LensFlareArea | 64 |
LightArea | 128 |
MarioNoCapArea | 4 |
MercatorCube | 1 |
MessageArea | 16 |
MirrorArea | 16 |
MorphSwitchArea | 64 |
NoMessageArea | 1 |
NonSleep | 16 |
Onimasu | 32 |
PipeMode | 4 |
PlaneCircularMode | 16 |
PlaneCollision | 16 |
PlaneMode | 16 |
PlayerMorphLimitArea | 4 |
PlayerSeArea | 8 |
PlayerSideRetainOffArea | 8 |
PullBack | 128 |
QuakeEffectArea | 16 |
RaceJudge | 64 |
RasterScrollArea | 64 |
RecoveryFloorControlArea | 16 |
RepeatBlockShadowChangeArea | 8 |
RollingWaterBreakArea | 4 |
SceneChangeArea | 8 |
SceneExitArea | 8 |
ShadeCube | 64 |
ShadowColorArea | 32 |
ShadowFarClipCtrlArea | 16 |
SlopeRunningCancelArea | 4 |
SmokeEffectColorArea | 16 |
SoundEmitterCube | 8 |
SoundEmitterSphere | 8 |
SoundPlayArea | 16 |
SpinCloudFrontDefineArea | 32 |
SpinGuidance | 16 |
SpinSwitchArea | 64 |
StoryBookAreaText | 64 |
StoryBookAreaWarp | 8 |
SunLightArea | 64 |
SwitchArea | 64 |
TamakoroJumpGuidance | 16 |
TamakoroMoveGuidance | 16 |
TicoSeedGuidance | 16 |
TogepinAttackFoulArea | 16 |
TowerModeCylinder | 4 |
TripodBossStepStart | 64 |
ViewGroupCtrl | 64 |
WarpCube | 64 |
Water | 64 |
WorldMapAccessArea | 4 |
WorldMapSyncSoundEmitterCube | 8 |
YoshiCaptureGuidanceArea | 8 |
YoshiEatGuidanceArea | 8 |
YoshiSendOffArea | 4 |
Table Locations
The table that specifies the area managers, their limits and creation function can be found at the following addresses:
Region | SMG1 Address | SMG2 Address |
NTSC-U | 0x8052DF30 | 0x806452F0 |
PAL | 0x8052DF30 | 0x806452F0 |
NTSC-J | 0x8052DF30 | 0x806452F0 |
KOR | 0x8052F4B0 | 0x80645870 |
TWN | ---------- | 0x80645870 |
Table Format
Each table entry consists of three DWORDs:
Entry Offset | Description |
0x00 | Pointer to the manager's name. |
0x04 | Number of AreaObj entries. |
0x08 | Pointer to the manager's creation function. |