AreaObj Limitations

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In both Super Mario Galaxy games there is an internal table that sets up the AreaObj managers. For every manager, there is a limit of AreaObj instances that can be placed in a level. If the game exceeds this limit, the game will very likely crash.


Below are tables for every game that list the managers with their respective limits.


Manager Name Limit
SwitchArea 64
RaceJudgeCube 64
NinForceWindCube 64
NinAbyssCube 64
CubeCamera 160
BindEndCube 64
EffectCylinder 64
DeathArea 64
WarpCube 64
TripodBossStepStart 64
Water 64
PlaneModeCube 16
PlaneCircularModeCube 16
PipeModeCube 4
TowerModeCylinder 4
ShadeCube 64
PullBackCube 64
PullBackCylinder 64
RestartCube 64
ChangeBgmCube 32
BgmProhibitArea 4
SoundEmitterCube 16
SoundEmitterSphere 8
PlaneCollisionCube 16
ForbidTriangleJumpCube 16
ForbidWaterSearchCube 16
QuakeEffectArea 16
HazeCube 16
AudioEffectArea 16
BigBubbleGoalArea 16
SunLightArea 16
GlaringLightArea 64
ViewGroupCtrlCube 64
LensFlareArea 64
CameraRepulsiveArea 128
LightArea 128
FallsCube 32
MercatorCube 1
AstroChangeStageCube 16
ImageEffectArea 32
BlueStarGuidanceCube 16
TicoSeedGuidanceCube 16
MessageArea 16
SmokeEffectColorArea 16
BeeWallShortDistArea 16
ExtraWallCheckArea 16
ExtraWallCheckCylinder 16
SpinGuidanceCube 16
HipDropGuidanceCube 16
TamakoroMoveGuidanceCube 16
TamakoroJumpGuidanceCube 16
BigBubbleGuidanceCube 16
HeavySteeringCube 16
NonSleepCube 16
AreaMoveSphere 16
DodoryuClosedCylinder 8
DashChargeCylinder 8
PlayerSeArea 8
RasterScrollCube 8
OnimasuCube 32
ForbidJumpCube 8
CollisionArea 64
AstroOverlookArea 8
CelestrialSphere 4
MirrorArea 16
DarkMatterCube 64
DarkMatterCylinder 32


Manager Name Limit
AreaMoveSphere 16
AudioEffectArea 16
BeeWallShortDistArea 16
BgmChangeArea 16
BgmVolumeFadeArea 4
BindEnd 64
BlueStarGuidance 16
CameraRepulsiveArea 128
CancelBeeMorphArea 16
Celestrial 4
ClipDrawArea 64
CollisionArea 64
CometFireDanceArea 4
CometHopperArea 4
CometNoSpinArea 4
CometRainbowArea 4
CubeCamera 160
CumulativeTimerSwitchArea 4
DarkMatterArea 128
DashChargeArea 8
DeathArea 64
DemoPlayerForbidUpdateArea 4
DodoryuClosedArea 8
DreamerDeadCountArea 1
DrillHoleHiddenArea 16
Effect 40
EnforceJumpArea 4
ExtraWallCheckArea 16
ExtraWallCheckCylinder 16
Falls 32
ForbidJump 8
ForbidSupportTicoArea 32
ForbidTriangleJump 16
ForbidWaterSearch 16
ForceDashCube 16
GlaringLightArea 64
HazeCube 16
HeavySteering 16
HipDropGuidance 16
ImageEffectArea 32
LensFlareArea 64
LightArea 128
MarioNoCapArea 4
MercatorCube 1
MessageArea 16
MirrorArea 16
MorphSwitchArea 64
NoMessageArea 1
NonSleep 16
Onimasu 32
PipeMode 4
PlaneCircularMode 16
PlaneCollision 16
PlaneMode 16
PlayerMorphLimitArea 4
PlayerSeArea 8
PlayerSideRetainOffArea 8
PullBack 128
QuakeEffectArea 16
RaceJudge 64
RasterScrollArea 64
RecoveryFloorControlArea 16
RepeatBlockShadowChangeArea 8
RollingWaterBreakArea 4
SceneChangeArea 8
SceneExitArea 8
ShadeCube 64
ShadowColorArea 32
ShadowFarClipCtrlArea 16
SlopeRunningCancelArea 4
SmokeEffectColorArea 16
SoundEmitterCube 8
SoundEmitterSphere 8
SoundPlayArea 16
SpinCloudFrontDefineArea 32
SpinGuidance 16
SpinSwitchArea 64
StoryBookAreaText 64
StoryBookAreaWarp 8
SunLightArea 64
SwitchArea 64
TamakoroJumpGuidance 16
TamakoroMoveGuidance 16
TicoSeedGuidance 16
TogepinAttackFoulArea 16
TowerModeCylinder 4
TripodBossStepStart 64
ViewGroupCtrl 64
WarpCube 64
Water 64
WorldMapAccessArea 4
WorldMapSyncSoundEmitterCube 8
YoshiCaptureGuidanceArea 8
YoshiEatGuidanceArea 8
YoshiSendOffArea 4

Table Locations

The table that specifies the area managers, their limits and creation function can be found at the following addresses:

Region SMG1 Address SMG2 Address
NTSC-U 0x8052DF30 0x806452F0
PAL 0x8052DF30 0x806452F0
NTSC-J 0x8052DF30 0x806452F0
KOR 0x8052F4B0 0x80645870
TWN ---------- 0x80645870

Table Format

Each table entry consists of three DWORDs:

Entry Offset Description
0x00 Pointer to the manager's name.
0x04 Number of AreaObj entries.
0x08 Pointer to the manager's creation function.